Hands-On Hands-Off

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Derek Clewley and Seth Peterson

10 August 2023

1h 4m 14s

Hands On Hands Off with special guest Dr. Elizabeth Lane



Here is another name you may not have heard of but you should. We know Elizabeth very well as she is a close friend of ours. And a close friend to many. Her journey to becoming a researcher is a fun one, especially because we were able to witness it from the sidelines. From her classic beginnings of an outpatient PT to fellowship training to PhD. Elizabeth is one of the more humble and caring individuals one could meet. She is fellowship trained in manual therapy and is a researcher at the University of Utah. She did her PhD under the mentorship of Julie Fritz. And has collaborated on a number of projects including manual therapy and pain science. What we think you will enjoy the most from this podcast is the pureness that is Elizabeth. She has a genuine curiosity about all things PT related especially manual therapy.